Your donation means a lot to us
Help us to reach our goal.
Call for more details 414-449-9964

General Supplies
- Healthy Snacks
- Certified Teachers
- Plastic Cutlery
- Calculators
- Cooks/Cleaners/Receptionist Paper Plates & Cups Sewing Machines Ziploc Storage Bags -Multiple sizes Good Quality Pots/Pans/Utensils Toilet Paper and Paper Towels /Dish Soap
- Windex/409/Mr. Clean/Pine Sol & Bleach
- 8 & 13 Gallon, garbage bags

Building Repairs
- Update kitchen (commercial). Frig, stove, dishwasher, washer/dryer Laptops Kitchen Repairs…Window repairs…
- Maintenance…Game
- Room HVAC…Landscape
- Printers and one large
- Painting through-out and outside………………
- Removal of Carpet
- Contractor Help
- Furniture
- Help with removal of items and Cleaning Day
- Wall Repairs

Activities Speakers/Presenters Designers/Artist
- Decorate
- Repurpose
- Many others Murals – Fridays/Saturdays
- What’s your passion?

- Boating
- Camping
- Soccer
- Baseball
- Archery Family Program
- Skating/Skiing
- Gymnastics
- Tennis Grief Sharing (Youth)
- Football
- Golf

- Piano/Organ
- Reading Program (Sat)
- Flute Darts Art
- Guitar
- Soccer
- Lego Program
- Robotics
- Woodworking